December 7, 2010

Chinese Ginseng

Chinese Ginseng/ Ren Shen

Category:        Root

Normal Price: RM 1300.00 / 3.0 ft      
                        RM 300.00   / 1.5 ft
Now:               RM 1150.00 / 3.0 ft       
                        RM 250.00   / 1.5 ft

Keywords:      Chinese Ginseng                    
                        Ren Shen                     人参

Composition:  Chinese Ginseng Root
成份                人参

Indication:      Chinese Ginseng is the root of Panax Ginseng and it is well known for centuries for its revitalizing properties. The wild type of Chinese Ginseng is most valuable compare to the cultivated type. Chinese Ginseng helps to strengthen and revitalize inherent Source Energy (Yuan Qi) in the body. Yuan Qi is the basis of all the Qi in the body. Chinese Ginseng is the best herbs to strengthen body and restore vitality or to restores the Yuan Qi that may deplete after excessive loss of fluid in severe vomiting /diarrhea, profuse perspiration, excessive loss of blood due to chronic illness, shallow respiration, shortness of breath and barely palpable pulse.
                        Chinese Ginseng contain ginsenosides and various amino acid. It is believe to
                        (1) Tonifies Yuan Qi
(2) Strengthen immune system
(3) Tonifies spleen
(4) Tonifies Lung
(5) Promotes secretion of body fluids and relief thirst
(6) Calm spirit (宁神) and relive mental stress
(7) Tonifies Qi and blood
(8) Treat impotence, exhaustion, anemia, heart weakness
(9) Improve digestion
(10) Restore strength and energy level after illness
Chinese Ginseng is suitable for anyone with Qi deficiency or as a supplement. Taking Chinese Ginseng regularly will keep body in good health and promote longevity.

主治:            大补元气,固脱生津,安神。治劳伤虚损,食少,倦怠,反胃吐食,大便滑泄,虚咳喘促,自汗暴脱,惊悸,健忘,眩晕头痛,阳痿,尿频,消渴,妇女崩漏,小儿慢惊,及久虚不复,一切气血津液不足之证

Administration: Double boil of Chinese Ginseng to make a drink or create food combination by double boil with meat (eg. Chicken) to make a soup.
服法:            可用水炖人参来喝,也可用来炖鸡汤。感冒,伤暑,发烧或腹泻期间,暂停服用。

Storage:          Keep in cool and dry place or refrigerated.
储藏:            阴凉,干躁处 或冷藏。

*Please consult doctor if adverse reaction occurs
*Safe use of ginseng in pregnant women and children has not been established. Do not exceed the stated dose. Safety on long term use has not been established.

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