December 7, 2010

Essence of Chicken


Essence of Chicken with Cordyceps, Bird’s Nest and Ginseng

Category: Instant Drink

Price:               RM 36.00

Packaging:      6 bottle x 70ml / box
                        六瓶装x 70毫升  (每盒)

Composition / 成份 :  Each 70ml contains
      Gallus Domesticus liquid                  鸡精
      Petrochelidon Pyrrhonota’s Nest       燕窝
   Radix Ginseng                                   花旗参泡
   Cordyceps                                         蟲草  

Indication:      Essence of chicken is a high quality tonic use to replenish energy and restore physical strength. It is proven to relief fatigue caused by mental workload, improve appetite, weakness caused by illness and after childbirth.  Study also shows that essence of chicken help in control of stress and anxiety; hence, promote better mental concentration, alertness and memory. This product is made of fine quality chicken and selected herbs. Essence of chicken can be taken by anyone especially suitable for those before exam and meetings to boots mental focus and overall performance or as part of a balance diet.
主治:            ‘花旗泡参蟲草燕窝鸡精’是民间传统最高贵补品,本品选用上级新鲜鸡肉及配以中国特产珍贵滋补药材:燕窝,花旗泡参及冬蟲夏草提炼而成。药性温和,补而不燥,男女老少,四季均宜。适应于操劳过度,病后虚弱,妇女产后饮食不振。

Administration: One bottle for adult and half a bottle for children, once daily before or after food. Can be serve cold or warm, or it can be consumed by adding with approximately twice the amount of warm water and some salt to make it tastier. Recommended to consumed all within the same day after opening.
服法:            成人每次服一瓶,小童半瓶,冷热均可。服用时可加温开水一倍左右,并加适量食盐,则味道更为鲜美。开瓶后当天服完为宜。本品如有微量沉澱物,服时可摇均不影响药效。

Storage:          Keep in cool dry place.
储藏:            阴凉,干躁处。

*Please consult doctor if adverse reaction occurs
*Safe use of ginseng in pregnant women and children has not been established. Do not exceed the stated dose. Safety on long term use has not been established.  

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