December 19, 2010

Chinese New Year Hamper 2011

Chinese New Year Hamper 2011
Welcome to Dhong Hua latest Promotion on this Great Festive Season.
Dhong Hua Chinese New Year hamper range from the most affordable price yet presentable as a gift for your love ones.
Hamper details can also be viewed in the next post. 

Chinese New Year Hamper 2011 (Details)

Chinese New Year Hamper 2011 (Details)

保健礼盒1 (RM228)
Hamper 1
Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (6 Bottle)                      冰糖燕窝
Bird's Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar (6 Bottle)    泡参冰糖燕窝
Chinese Ginseng (300ml)                                           人参精

保健礼盒2 (RM98)
Hamper 2
Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (6 Bottle)    冰糖燕窝
Dried Mushroom                                      香菇
Wolfberry                                                 枸杞
Herbal Sachet for braised egg                  茶叶蛋
Herbal soup sachet                                   鸭腿炖汤

保健礼盒3 (RM188)
Hamper 3
Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (8 Bottle)                      冰糖燕窝
Chinese Ginseng (750ml)                                           人参精
American Ginseng (1 bottle of capsule)                     花旗泡参王                   

保健礼盒4 (RM108)
Hamper 4
Bird's Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar (6 Bottle)    泡参冰糖燕窝
Dried Mushroom                                      香菇
Wolfberry                                                 枸杞
Herbal Sachet for braised egg                  茶叶蛋
Herbal soup sachet                                   鸭腿炖汤

保健礼盒5 (RM218)
Hamper 5
Chinese Ginseng (1.5 ft)                           长白山参
American Ginseng (1 bottle of capsule)   花旗泡参王   
Dried Mushroom                                      香菇
Wolfberry                                                 枸杞

保健礼盒6 (RM168)
Hamper 6
Bird's Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar (8 Bottle)    泡参冰糖燕窝
Chinese Ginseng (300ml)                                             人参精
Dried Mushroom                                                          香菇
Wolfberry                                                                     枸杞

保健礼盒7 (RM118)
Hamper 7
Cordyceps with Ginseng (8 bottles)       蟲草精
Chinese Ginseng (300ml)                         人参精
Dried Mushroom                                      香菇
Wolfberry                                                 枸杞

保健礼盒8 (RM228)
Hamper 8
Bird's Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar (8 Bottle)    泡参冰糖燕窝
Chinese Ginseng (750ml)                                             人参精
American Ginseng (1 bottle of capsule)                       花旗泡参王
Dried Mushroom                                                          香菇

保健礼盒9 (RM138)
Hamper 9
Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (8 Bottle)      冰糖燕窝
Snow White Jelly (15g)                              雪山天然雪蛤
Dried Mushroom                                        香菇
Wolfberry                                                   枸杞

保健礼盒10 (RM188)
Hamper 10
Chinese Ginseng (1.5 ft)                           长白山参
Snow White Jelly (15g)                            雪山天然雪蛤
Dried Mushroom                                       香菇
Wolfberry                                                  枸杞

保健礼盒11 (RM88)
Hamper 11

Cordyceps with Ginseng (8 bottles)       蟲草精
Dried Mushroom                                      香菇
Wolfberry                                                 枸杞
Herbal Sachet for braised egg                  茶叶蛋
Herbal soup sachet                                   鸭腿炖汤

保健礼盒12 (RM198)
Hamper 12
Cordyceps with Ginseng (8 bottles)       蟲草精
Chinese Ginseng (750ml)                         人参精
American Ginseng (1 bottle of capsule)   花旗泡参王
Dried Mushroom                                      香菇

保健礼盒13 (RM108)
Hamper 13

Cordyceps with Ginseng (8 bottles)       蟲草精
Snow White Jelly (15g)                            雪山天然雪蛤
Wolfberry                                                 枸杞
Herbal Sachet for braised egg                  茶叶蛋
Herbal soup sachet                                   鸭腿炖汤

保健礼盒14 (RM128)
Hamper 14
Bird's Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar (6 Bottle)    泡参冰糖燕窝
Snow White Jelly (15g)                                                雪山天然雪蛤
Dried Mushroom                                                           香菇
Wolfberry                                                                     枸杞

*Picture shown is for illustration purpose only.
*Free Gift are subject to change by substitution of the same value.
*While stock last.

December 7, 2010

Bird's Nest

泡参冰糖燕窝 / 冰糖燕窝

Bird’s Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar /
Bird’s Nest with Rock Sugar
Bird's Nest with Ginseng and Rock sugar (6 bottle)
Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (6 Bottle)
Bird's Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar (8 Bottle)

Bird's Nest with Rock Sugar (8 Bottle)

Category: Instant Drink

Bird’s Nest with Ginseng             RM   96.00 / 6 bottle
                                                       RM 108.00 / 8 bottle
Bird’s Nest with Rock Sugar       RM   88.00 / 6 bottle
                                                       RM   96.00 / 8 bottle

Packaging:       6 bottle x 70ml / box
                        8 bottle x 70ml / box
                        六瓶装x 70毫升  (每盒)
                        八瓶装x 70毫升  (每盒)

Composition:  Each 70ml contains
成份                Bird’s  Nest                                        燕窝               
                        American Ginseng                              花旗泡参       
                        Rock Sugar solution                           冰糖
Indication:      Bird’s Nest with Ginseng and Rock Sugar combines to make up an excellent nutritious product. This instant drink is brewed with sweet tasting rock sugar, highly nutritious American Ginseng and deliciously smooth Bird’s Nest. Bird’s Nest is rich in glycoprotein, amino acid, minerals and other nutrients. Research shows that Bird’s Nest contain Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) that could stimulate cell regeneration. Hence, regular consumption of Bird’s Nest helps to restore skin elascity, enhance and maintain youthful, healthy and beautiful complexion. Besides, the nutrient rich Bird’s Nest also helps to enhance immune system, enhance vital energy and relieve cough and phlegm.  Bird’s Nest can be consumed by anyone of all ages. The elegantly packed Bird’s Nest comes in 2 different packaging; 6 bottle/box and 8 bottle/box. Bird’s Nest is a choice of wisdom, as a gift or for own consumption.
主治:            燕窝营养丰富,可以让您吃出健康和美丽。天然燕窝含有蛋白质,少量脂肪,碳水化和物,矿物质。燕窝中的活性蛋白质含有曾强细胞繁殖的激素和表皮生长因子,能促进身体组织和肌肤细胞的再生功能。男女老少,四季均宜。
Indikasi:          Sarang Burung dengan Ginseng dan Gula Batu merupakan sejenis minumah perjagaan kesihatan zaman moden yang disukai orang ramai. Antaranya, golongan wanita paling mengemarinya sebab ia kaya dengan glycoprotein, asid amino, mineral dan nutrient lain. Repot kajian menunjukan bahawa sarang burung mengandungi factor pertumbuhan epidermis yang boleh merangsangkan generasi sel baru. Oleh itu, kekerapan meminum sarang burung boleh merangsang pembinaan kolagen, memulihkan elascity kulit, memperkuatkan dan mempertahankan kejelitaan, kemudahan dan kesihatan kulit. Selain itu, sarang burung juga boleh meningkatkan peredaran tenaga dalaman, melambatkan process penuaan, memperkuatkan system pertahanan badan dan melegakan batuk dan kahak. Sarang Burung dengan Gula Batu yang dicampurkan dengan Sarang Burung berbau wangi dan sedap dimunim. Sarang Burung sesuai diminum oleh semua golongan, biar muda atau tua. Pembungkusan Sarang Burung ini yang cantik dan menarik terdapat dalam 2 jenis bungkusan: 6 botol/pek dan 8 botol/pek. Selain itu, Sarang Burung sesuai dijadikan buah tangan dan ianya juga merupakan hadiah paling sesuai untuk orang yang tersayang anda.

Administration: Recommended to consumed all within the same day after opening. Can be serve at room temperature or chill.
服法:            开瓶后当天服完为宜。
Aturan:            Habiskan dalam hari yang sama selepas botol dibuka.

Storage:          Keep in cool dry place.
储藏:            阴凉,干躁处。
Simpanan:       Simpan di tempat kering dan dingin.

*Please consult doctor if adverse reaction occurs
*Safe use of ginseng in pregnant women and children has not been established. Do not exceed the stated dose. Safety on long term use has not been established.

Bai Feng Wan


Zhen Zhu Cong Cao Pao Shen Bai Feng Wan

Small Honeyed Pill

Category:        Small honeyed pill for swallow and big honeyed pill for soup

Price:               RM 12.00/box ; RM 70.00/dozen

Packaging:      (1) Small Honeyed Pill  小密丸 ;
(2) Big Honeyed Pill 大密丸
Box: 2 sachet x 5 g
                        Dozen: 6 box

Indication:      Bai Feng Wan is known for centuries as a remedy for women. It is traditionally used to regulate symptoms relating to menstrual ailments and postnatal nourishment. It can be taken regularly to regulate menstruation , relieves menstrual cramp, replenish blood, fatigue, cold limbs, anemia, general weakness after child birth and lack of strength, sore waist and legs, or as part of nourishment after each cycle of menstruation. Besides, regular consumption of Bai Feng Wan helps to improve complexion and promote youthfulness. This product has combined goodness of Pearl (zhen zhu), Cordyceps (cong cao), and American Ginseng (pao shen) to give the best to your health.
主治:            白凤丸乃妇科之圣药,调能促进身体健康,调增进体力,疗虚养颜。传统式用于减轻身体虚弱精神疲劳,补气养血,腰酸腿软,产后失调,月经失调,头晕眼花。

Administration: Can be taken as frequent as once in every 3 days, 2 sachet (Small Honeyed Pill) each time. To be taken with warm water. Or, it can be taken at least once a month, preferably after menstruation. Used of Big Honeyed Pill to make food combination by boiling with meat to make soup.
                        It is not recommended to take pill when having cold, fever or diarrhea and not suitable during pregnancy.
服法:            可服用高达每隔三天一次,一次服二包 (小蜜丸),以温水送服。若病痛持续,该请教医师。感冒,伤暑,发烧或腹泻期间,暂停服用,孕妇忌食。

Storage:          Keep in cool and dry place.
储藏:            阴凉,干躁处。

Composition / 成份 :  Each 5g contains
    Cordyceps Sinensis                   冬蟲草
  Panax Quinquefolium L.            泡参
  Margarita                                   珍珠
  Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae      丹参
  Ligusticum Chuanxiong              川芎
  Leonurus Heterophyllus             益母草
  Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari   北芪
  Radix Rehmanniae Praeparta     熟地黄
  Codonopsis Pilosula                  党参
  Radix Angelicae Sinensis          当归
  Dioscorea Opposita                   山药
  Radix Paeoniae Alba                 白芍               

*Please consult doctor if adverse reaction occurs
*Safe use of ginseng in pregnant women and children has not been established. Do not exceed the stated dose. Safety on long term use has not been established.

Essence of Chicken


Essence of Chicken with Cordyceps, Bird’s Nest and Ginseng

Category: Instant Drink

Price:               RM 36.00

Packaging:      6 bottle x 70ml / box
                        六瓶装x 70毫升  (每盒)

Composition / 成份 :  Each 70ml contains
      Gallus Domesticus liquid                  鸡精
      Petrochelidon Pyrrhonota’s Nest       燕窝
   Radix Ginseng                                   花旗参泡
   Cordyceps                                         蟲草  

Indication:      Essence of chicken is a high quality tonic use to replenish energy and restore physical strength. It is proven to relief fatigue caused by mental workload, improve appetite, weakness caused by illness and after childbirth.  Study also shows that essence of chicken help in control of stress and anxiety; hence, promote better mental concentration, alertness and memory. This product is made of fine quality chicken and selected herbs. Essence of chicken can be taken by anyone especially suitable for those before exam and meetings to boots mental focus and overall performance or as part of a balance diet.
主治:            ‘花旗泡参蟲草燕窝鸡精’是民间传统最高贵补品,本品选用上级新鲜鸡肉及配以中国特产珍贵滋补药材:燕窝,花旗泡参及冬蟲夏草提炼而成。药性温和,补而不燥,男女老少,四季均宜。适应于操劳过度,病后虚弱,妇女产后饮食不振。

Administration: One bottle for adult and half a bottle for children, once daily before or after food. Can be serve cold or warm, or it can be consumed by adding with approximately twice the amount of warm water and some salt to make it tastier. Recommended to consumed all within the same day after opening.
服法:            成人每次服一瓶,小童半瓶,冷热均可。服用时可加温开水一倍左右,并加适量食盐,则味道更为鲜美。开瓶后当天服完为宜。本品如有微量沉澱物,服时可摇均不影响药效。

Storage:          Keep in cool dry place.
储藏:            阴凉,干躁处。

*Please consult doctor if adverse reaction occurs
*Safe use of ginseng in pregnant women and children has not been established. Do not exceed the stated dose. Safety on long term use has not been established.  

Chinese Ginseng

Chinese Ginseng/ Ren Shen

Category:        Root

Normal Price: RM 1300.00 / 3.0 ft      
                        RM 300.00   / 1.5 ft
Now:               RM 1150.00 / 3.0 ft       
                        RM 250.00   / 1.5 ft

Keywords:      Chinese Ginseng                    
                        Ren Shen                     人参

Composition:  Chinese Ginseng Root
成份                人参

Indication:      Chinese Ginseng is the root of Panax Ginseng and it is well known for centuries for its revitalizing properties. The wild type of Chinese Ginseng is most valuable compare to the cultivated type. Chinese Ginseng helps to strengthen and revitalize inherent Source Energy (Yuan Qi) in the body. Yuan Qi is the basis of all the Qi in the body. Chinese Ginseng is the best herbs to strengthen body and restore vitality or to restores the Yuan Qi that may deplete after excessive loss of fluid in severe vomiting /diarrhea, profuse perspiration, excessive loss of blood due to chronic illness, shallow respiration, shortness of breath and barely palpable pulse.
                        Chinese Ginseng contain ginsenosides and various amino acid. It is believe to
                        (1) Tonifies Yuan Qi
(2) Strengthen immune system
(3) Tonifies spleen
(4) Tonifies Lung
(5) Promotes secretion of body fluids and relief thirst
(6) Calm spirit (宁神) and relive mental stress
(7) Tonifies Qi and blood
(8) Treat impotence, exhaustion, anemia, heart weakness
(9) Improve digestion
(10) Restore strength and energy level after illness
Chinese Ginseng is suitable for anyone with Qi deficiency or as a supplement. Taking Chinese Ginseng regularly will keep body in good health and promote longevity.

主治:            大补元气,固脱生津,安神。治劳伤虚损,食少,倦怠,反胃吐食,大便滑泄,虚咳喘促,自汗暴脱,惊悸,健忘,眩晕头痛,阳痿,尿频,消渴,妇女崩漏,小儿慢惊,及久虚不复,一切气血津液不足之证

Administration: Double boil of Chinese Ginseng to make a drink or create food combination by double boil with meat (eg. Chicken) to make a soup.
服法:            可用水炖人参来喝,也可用来炖鸡汤。感冒,伤暑,发烧或腹泻期间,暂停服用。

Storage:          Keep in cool and dry place or refrigerated.
储藏:            阴凉,干躁处 或冷藏。

*Please consult doctor if adverse reaction occurs
*Safe use of ginseng in pregnant women and children has not been established. Do not exceed the stated dose. Safety on long term use has not been established.